Episode #7 | Plugins and Themes

Episode #7 | Plugins and Themes

Plugins and Themes In today's episode, I discuss plugins and themes that I use regularly. I use Divi, Gravity Form, Classic Editor and Yoast SEO . The sponsor of today's episode is JDS WebDesign...check out their site at www.jdswebdesign.com Image courtesy of Austin...

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Episode #6 | Act Like a Business

Episode #6 | Act Like a Business

Act Like a Business In today's episode, I discuss how you should treat your business like a business.  Getting it registered with the Federal Government and securing EIN, State Government, and Local or Municipality Government.  I also discuss contracts, business...

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Morning Routine

Morning Routine

Morning Routine ​In today's episode, I will discuss the importance of establishing a morning routine.  While this was an important step about 10 years ago for most entrepreneurs, today some business owners disagree with creating an established morning routine. I will...

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Questions and Answer Session | April 22, 2024

Questions and Answer Session | April 22, 2024

Questions and Answer Session, April 15, 2024 In today's episode, Daniel will answer several questions that were recently sent to us.  How did he become an entrepreneur? How does he get future or existing clients? And, finally, does he receive a single line of revenue...

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5 Bad Clients

5 Bad Clients

How to avoid 5 bad client In today's episode, we will discuss five bad clients to avoid. We do not feel like these are intentional behaviors, but unless you have good communication skills and processes.  Then you need to be aware of the unreasonable client, the...

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Scope Creep

Scope Creep

How to avoid Scope Creep In today's episode, we will discuss scope creep and how it can affect a project. Scope creep is the situation, where a client continues to add to the scope of the project which will cause delays in completion and added cost to the budget.

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Keeping my phone ringing

Keeping my phone ringing

Keeping my phone ringing Keeping your phone ringing with quality leads.  In my prior podcast, I discuss how to find clients. Today, I will discuss how to keep your phone ringing with quality leads. You need to set up a sale funnel.  What is a sales funnel?  A sales...

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Finding Clients

Finding Clients

Finding Clients Finding quality clients can be a difficult task for the beginner.  There are many avenues to look for new clients.  You can ask your family and friends.  You can ask members of your  inner circle, faith based and social organization.  You can seek out...

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Professional Services Needed

Professional Services Needed

Professional Services Needed As a free lance web designer and entrepreneur, I would recommend a couple of professional service providers.  I would strongly recommend a certified public accountant (C.P.A). Also I would recommend hiring an contract lawyer. I would also...

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